Safari 17 doesn't show svg icons in dark mode

After migrating from iOS 16 to 17, Safari does not show svg icons. On devices with iOS 16 they are displayed

Is it on your website? Do you have the source code available? Please add more details.

Is a react WebApp. Svg was define as

import React from "react";

export default function ArrowLeft() { return ( <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" data-testid="arrow-left"> <path d="M4.50001 11.625H19.5V12.375H4.50001V11.625Z" /> <path d="M10.6465 5.14645L11.3536 5.85355L5.20712 12L11.3536 18.1464L10.6465 18.8536L3.79291 12L10.6465 5.14645Z" /> </svg> ); }

Example of Icon

It can reproduce in light mode too. If it is the first time for a browser tab to render the SVG,the SVG DOM will disappear but the layer remains,such like give the dom the style visibility: hidden.

Safari 17 doesn't show svg icons in dark mode